Tip: Are you using the app to try and find someone in specific? Check out these 5 simple steps to find out if someone is on Tinder!

1. Show your face in the first photo

It may seem strange, but the ideal is your first photo is that of your face, without accessories or a lot of frills. Pose on your best angle, make a smile, take the photo and place it as the first one. Leave the photos of wonderful landscapes that you found on Google for the other images. Or at least go to these landscapes and take the photo yourself, but keep leaving them for the second or third photo in the app! The order matters!

2. Try not to post photos with people of the same gender you are looking for

We know that your sister is beautiful and you are really happy to have her as your family, but if you are a straight man on Tinder, your photo with her may indicate that you are a couple looking for company or that she is an ex of yours. As the chat is only enabled after the match is done, it is possible that you will be rejected due to this misunderstanding.

3. Try not to post old photos

This one may not be as crucial to get more matches, but it is important to avoid frustration: try not to have photos that are more than three years old, unless you have changed almost nothing. Considering that the majority of Tinder users are in their 25s to 34s, it is unlikely that a photo from five years ago will show your current appearance. You can get matches, but the person you are talking to is likely to feel cheated and unwilling to continue a date with you.

4. Try not to post photos with accessories that hide your face

Hoods and sunglasses can be cool accessories, but for those looking to know what you look like, wearing them can have the opposite effect. Not that they are summarily prohibited, but the ideal here is to show that you are a real and existing person, and not a fake profile.

5. Post photos that showcase your hobbies

One of the most valuable Tinder tips on this list, even if your hobby is not considered sexy. Part of the fun of Tinder is noticing details about the other person, even with the limited information the app offers. If you practice any martial art, surf, read or play video games, have at least one photo of you in this activity.

It is possible that your hobby discourages some people who might be interested in you, but the quality of the conversation and the likelihood of getting a date will increase with other people, as they will be able to identify a common taste and be tempted to slide to the right because of that.

6. Have a bio, but don’t overdo it

Although it is not mandatory, the ideal is that you have a brief description of yourself. And when we say brief, we would really like to emphasize that it should be short. Leave the infamous “walls of text” to Facebook. Get more matches by being concise and creative in your bio!

7. Be original in your bio

Believe me, your Michael Scott quote or the excerpt of the last week’s greatest hit are far from being the first time the person who you want to match with will be seeing them. We know that it takes more work and that nice quote represents your interests nicely, but be original in your description. Try to stay away from common and cliché quotes, in case you really want to put one in your description.

8. Try to reveal your best characteristic in your bio

If you are a good-natured person, you will certainly have no trouble creating a funny description that showcases that side. If people consider you to be an intelligent person, try to have a nice reflection – but always paying attention to originality – so that they see this characteristic. Play to your strengths to get more matches!

9. There’s no problem in being political, but be humble about it

The description space is not exactly huge and we will always recommend that you try to use it to show the best in you. Despite the saying “don’t lose friends because of politics”, the reality is that similar political positions are factors that can make someone feel drawn to talking to you and vice versa. So, whether you are on the right wing or the left wing, do not be afraid to leave your position written there, if you have any. But avoid being clueless and end up using the space to offend anyone who has a different position than yours.

10. Have more than one photo

Ideally, you should have about four to five photos on Tinder. But, if you don’t believe yourself to be the most photogenic person in the world, have at least more than one in your profile. Tinder has a lot of fake profiles, and if your profile has only one photo, people may think you are one of them.

11. Pets are cute, but be in the photo with them

Yes, pictures with pets like dogs and cats increase your chance to get more matches . But only put them on if you actually care for the kitty. Taking a random photo of an animal on Google to put on your Tinder will not fool anyone.

12. Don’t overdo on the photo editing

Nobody here came to police which filters or edits you are going to apply to your photos. Even in a photo without any changes, nobody is exactly the same as it looks in the photo. Still, avoid exaggeration, because if the person notices that you are very different from what they saw in the photos, they will possibly receive a sudden emergency call during the meeting.

13. Put your group photos at the end of your profile

Make sure the person knows who you are before placing your photo with a group of people, whether they are family or friends. Putting this type of photo in the first position will not make you “the mysterious”, it will only make the person irritated by your lack of common sense.

14. Be authentic

If this list of Tinder tips had five items, this would be one of them: be authentic, be yourself to get more matches. Despite what is believed, there is not just one type of ideal person in the world. If you like hiking and camping but hate football, don’t pretend you like football to attract more matches. If you are all about laying around in bed watching Netflix, do not pretend that you are an athlete just to get some matches that will not give any meaningful results. Believe me, there are a lot of people looking for someone to marathon Netflix shows with you instead of going out.

15. Nobody needs to know every little aspect of your criteria

We know that Tinder can be a frustrating experience, we’ve been there. However, there is nothing as discouraging as looking at someone’s photo, finding it cool and, when opening the bio, coming across a manual of conduct or terms of service. After all, if it’s not to like and meet new people – even if you discover that this person is not the most interesting for you – why are you creating a profile on Tinder?

16. Matches are less important than you think they are

Okay, the title of this article is “18 tips to get more matches on Tinder!” and you certainly came here to find out how to get them. But the truth is that if you stay focused on just having more matches, you will not necessarily have more success in your Tinder escapades. It is better to have five matches with which you will have more subjects to talk about than thirty that will remain on your list forever with a chat that just won’t get past “hey, what’s up?”.

17. Be creative on the messages you sent, but don’t overdo it

Almost everyone starts the conversation with a “hi” or “hello”. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and if you’re not on your most creative days, it’s a good way to start a conversation. However, if you really want to start off on the right foot, a more creative message can make you more appealing. Think of a joke about something you saw in the person’s profile description – like commenting on a favorite show if the person has it there – or something regarding their photos. Be original!

18. Don’t stick around Tinder for too long

The key to most of these “get more matches on Tinder” tips we are listing here is finding a balance. Don’t go too fast so you don’t look desperate, but don’t let it drag on for too long either, as this can be a sign of disinterest. As the Tinder chat does not help much, after a few days of conversation it is already possible to suggest migrating to another application such as WhatsApp or even setting up a date. Read also:

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Now it’s your turn: what are some tips to get more Tinder matches that you’d like to share?

We believe that these tips to get more matches on Tinder will work out just fine in your case, and you’ll plenty more chances to find someone special or just casual companionship, but it is important to have patience, since your first match will seldomly be perfect. Did our tips work for you? Do you have any more tips you’d like to share? Comment down below!

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